After Care Instructions
Extraction and Minor Oral Surgery
Continue to bite gently on the gauze pack over the wound for 45 minutes to encourage clotting
Some blood will ooze from the socket for several hours, this is normal.
Should the wound start bleeding excessively:
fold the cotton-gauze (provided) or a clean handkerchief and bite firmly for another 30 minutes
If prolonged bleeding occurs, contact Dental Hub
Swelling and Bruising
Swelling and bruising is a normal and common response to any oral surgery, and its severity differs from person to person.
Swelling and bruising usually takes 3 days to reach its maximum, then 10 days to subside.
If you are experiencing any swelling or bruising, apply an ice pack to the affected area (20 minutes on/20 minutes off) for the first 1 – 2 days. A bag of frozen peas wrapped in paper towel can work well if an ice pack is not available.
Continuing to move your jaw by gentle talking & chewing will also help to minimise any swelling & associated jaw stiffness.
Care after extraction / Surgery
Do not eat, drink or rinse for the first 2 hours. (Briefly drinking water to take painkiller tablets is the exception and allowed in the first 2 hours)
Rest for few hours, but do not lie flat. Keep your head elevated with 2 pillows. (It is advised to cover your pillow with a towel overnight to prevent blood stains)
Start brushing and cleaning your teeth like normal within 12hrs of the oral surgery
Avoid sucking or spitting for 24 hours
Excessive activity is best avoided for 24 hours
After 24 hours it is best to use warm salty water, or an antiseptic rinse recommended by your dentist. This may be carried out after each meal for 14 days, or until healing is complete. This is to wash food away from the wound (which can disrupt healing).
A saltwater mouth rinse is made by dissolving a level teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
The solution should be held in the mouth for 2-3 minutes to bathe the wound and flush out food debris.
Avoid smoking or alcohol for at least 7 days
Smoking and alcohol both cause the body to not heal properly. This is due to the harmful chemicals contained in both substances.
Healing can become delayed and painful if smoking and alcohol is not avoided within the first 7 days.
Safe foods to eat
Finely chopped meat or cheese, yoghurt, soft-boiled eggs, soups, mashed potato, pasta and porridge
Chew on the opposite side of your mouth to the wound
Avoid small hard foods that can get lodged in the open wound like nuts, seeds and grains
Avoid spicy foods like chillies, and acidic foods like lemon juice etc
Avoid Alcohol
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